The Power of AI and Knowledge Graphs 75+ High-End Talks form Industry and Research SEPTEMBER 09-12, 2019 KARLSRUHE, GERMANY Get you conference pass now! ( Europeans top opportunity to present and learn about AI and Knowlege Graphs SEMANTiCS is an established knowledge hub where technology professionals, industry experts, researchers and decision makers can learn about new technologies, innovations and enterprise implementations in the fields of Linked Data and Semantic AI. Since 2005, the conference series has focused on semantic technologies, which are today together with other methodologies such as NLP and machine learning the core of intelligent systems. learn more ( ** 400+ ** CONTACTS ------------------------------------------------------------ ** 40 ** POSTERS ------------------------------------------------------------ ** 75+ ** TALKS ------------------------------------------------------------ ** 1 ** JOB FAIR ------------------------------------------------------------ ** 20 ** EXHIBITORS ------------------------------------------------------------ ** 15 ** WORKSHOPS ------------------------------------------------------------ Speakers Archilogic AG // Bonn University // Cefriel - Politecnico di Milano // Centre for Research and Technology // Competency Center Records Management // Cornelsen Verlag GmbH // Data Science Institute // Deloitte Consulting // DFKI // DLR - German Aerospace Center // eccenca GmbH // Elsevier // FIZ Karlsruhe & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology // Franz Inc. // Fraunhofer // Friedrich Schiller University Jena // GNOSS // Google // Hedden Information Management // Hellas // I3S / Université Nice Sophia Antipolis // imec IDLab — Ghent University // Information Technologies Institute // INRIA // Insight Centre for Data Analytics // Institut für Textiltechnik // Institute of Data Science // International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) // Karlsruhe Institute of Technology // L3S Research Center / University of Bonn // Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) // Linköping University // LLC // Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology // Metaphacts // North Carolina State University // NUI Galway // OMV // OPERADOR NACIONAL DO SISTEMA ELÉTRICO // Ordina // RENCI/UNC-Chapel Hill // RWTH Aachen University // SAP // Seek Limited // SELLWERK / Müller Medien GmbH & Co. KG // Semantic Web Company // Semiodesk GmbH // Siemens AG // Springer Nature // STIH Laboratory IReMus Laboratory // Taxonic // Tellura Information Services Ltd. // TriniData // Trinity College Dublin // UEA2525 LIM // Uni Mannheim // Uni. of La Réunion (Fr) // University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria // University of Bonn // University of Latvia // University of Mannheim // Vienna University of Economics and Business // WPSemantix Ltd. and more ** WWW ( ** Twitter ( ** LinkedIn (