Incorporating Blockchain into RDF Store at The Lightweight Edge Devices

RDF stores provide a simple abstraction for publishing and querying data that is becoming a norm in data sharing practice. They empower the decentralized architecture of data publishing for the Web or IoT-driven systems which share a lot in common with blockchain infrastructure and technologies. Therefore, there are emerging interests in marrying blockchain and RDF to realize desirable but speculative benefits of blockchain-powered data sharing. This paper presents the first RDF store with blockchain that enables light-weight edge devices to control of the data sharing processes (personal, IoT data). Our novel approach on the deep integration of the storage design for RDF store enables the ability to enforce controlling measures on access methods and auditing policies over data elements via smart contracts before they fetched from the sources to the consumers. Our experiments show that the prototype system can deliver an effective performance for a processing load of 1 billion triples on a small network of
lightweight edge devices which costs less than a commodity PC.


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