Knowledge Graphs are everywhere! Google has one, Amazon also and of course Microsoft has one too. In mid-2018, Gartner has identified Knowledge Graphs as new key technologies in their Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence. But of course we know that they already have been around for some time. So, what is a Knowledge Graph and why did they become such a hype lately?
“A Knowledge Graph is a model of a knowledge domain created by subject-matter experts with the help of intelligent machine learning algorithms. It provides a structure and common interface for all of your data and enables the creation of smart multilateral relations throughout your databases. Structured as an additional virtual data layer, the Knowledge Graph lies on top of your existing databases or data sets to link all your data together at scale – be it structured or unstructured.” Hmm, sounds like taxonomy, or ontology, or both, or even more?
So now defined what a Knowledge Graph is: What can we do with it? Will it just stay there or will we have to feed it? How can we tell it is healthy and can help us? What can we use it for?
In my talk I want to address those questions and try to shed some light on this (not so) new phenomenon.