Workshop on the Language Technology Market and Components Taxonomy

Monday, September 9, 2019 - 15:30 to 17:30

ChairGerhard Backfried (Saillabs, ELG), Thomas Thurner (Semantic Web Company, Pret-a-LLOD)

In the course of the projects European Language Grid ( and Pret-a-LLOD ( a taxonomic description of fields, subdomains, techniques, solutions, components and entities are needed to foster exchange and interaction of the European Language Technology Sector - in both - research and industry.

In a joint effort, the mentioned projects are now driving a process, where such a taxonomy is built up, maintained and provided openly to the sector. As a goal, the Language Technology Market and Components Taxonomy will be published in its first version in late 2019. A series of consultations and workshops cornerstone the efforts of the group:

  • 8th Language Technology Industry Summit, 24-25 June 2019, Brussels:
    Initial Workshop on the Language Technology Market and Components Taxonomy
  • European Language Services Industry Forum, September 9, 2019, Karlsruhe:
    Workshop on the Language Technology Market and Components Taxonomy
  • Vienna Semantic Web Meetup (in conjunction with the Pret-a-LLOD plenary) , November 2019, Vienna:
    Launch of the Language Technology Market and Components Taxonomy

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