Christoph Stahl studied Computer Science at Saarland University and started his academic career started in 2001 as a researcher at DFKI (German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence) in Saarbrücken, Germany. After receiving his PhD in 2009, Dr. Stahl worked in the Bremen Ambient Assisted Living Laboratory and managed the DFKI-coordinated EU-project ASSAM (Assistants for safe mobility). In 2015, he started teaching master’s courses on Artificial intelligence at the NORDAKADEMIE Graduate School, Hamburg. Christoph Stahl is employed since 2016 as a Senior R&T Associate at the LIST and works in the ITIS department, where he currently coordinates the project LIFANA (Lifelong food- and nutrition assistance), funded by the EU and AAL Programme. He published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers, advised 20 theses, co-organized many international workshops and is regular reviewing for international conferences and journals.