Diego Esteves is currently a PhD student at the AKSW - Smart Data Analytics Research Group. Before starting at the AKSW group in Leipzig he worked for over 10 years in large companies such as Accenture, B2W Inc., Wilson Sons and BTG Pactual Investment Bank. He has large work experience in system integration, data analysis, applied machine learning, anti-money laundering models, stock markets, supply chain management and logistics systems. Esteves was approved for studying in a Federal Technical High School in 2002, where he obtained his degree in Data Processing (2004) as well as worked part-time as trainee at IBOPE (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics). He also received his Bachelor in Information Systems at CEFET-Rio (2009), a MBA in Software Engineering at UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) in 2010 and a Master of Science in Machine Learning applied to Stock Market at IME (Military Institute of Engineering) in 2014, Brazil. His main research topics are: Fact Finding Algorithms and Machine Learning Interoperability / Metadata Generation.