Vincenzo Orabona - Enterprise Architect
Vincenzo holds a degree in Electronic Engineering, and he works for Eustema as Enterprise Architect, within the R&D team, since 2012. Since 2003, when he started working, he was always interested in Research topics. During his job experiences, his knowledge grew up about security concerns, like Public-Key encryption algorithms, GIS systems and their interoperability using OGC standards, Mobile Computing, OSes and APPs development. He learned to work in team, the importance of knowledge sharing and to accept defeats, but also to smile for the wins in the research challenges. Once in Eustema, he spent most of last three years studying the Semantic Web technologies, investigating on W3C standards for data modelling (RDF/OWL), the data querying (SPARQL) and, more generally speaking, about Best Practices and Issues for the “Web of Data”, LOD reusing and foundational-schema ontology learning, comprised. He published some scientific papers and has achieved different ITIL v3 certifications, so as Togaf 9.1 Foundation and Certified (level 1 and 2).
Raffaele Palmieri - IT Systems Architect
He holds Degree in Computer Engineering at “Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. He held the Software Architect role in ICT projects, with more than 10 years’ experience in software analysis, design and development. He worked in a company specialized in semantic technologies, where he learned methodologies and techniques for management of complex software development processes and products, applying agile and scrum methodologies. In Eustema he has been involved in several projects dealing with knowledge management, semantic modelling, information extraction and retrieval, and aimed to various enterprise contexts, as Reputation Management, Social Business, User Centric Process Design, Rich Internet Application and Semantic Enterprise. He achieved “Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 6 Enterprise Architect” certification in 2013. He participates to Apache Open Source community for Apache Marmotta project as committer and PPMC member. He was lecturer in SEBD 2014 and DATA 2014 conferences, presenting papers “CMS towards semantic interoperability” and “A Semantic Content Management System for e-Gov Applications”.